Berala Patch The time in Berala now is

Friday, December 29, 2006

Week After Christmas

We had Christmas lunch at the daughters place, she as usual prepared a lot of food and cooked the Turkey and the Ham herself, besides getting the rest of the lunch ready, and decorating the house (I think the children lent a hand with the decorating) Both the Gardener and Mrs. Gardener are very happy with our presents, but seriously, we all love to see the faces of the children , when they open their presents, it is a joy,just to watch them!

Not to get too far away from the garden, here are some of the tomatoes that I picked, just before Christmas.

Our 6 grandchildren before receiving their presents

A few members of the family sitting at the table

Last night we took 3 of the grandchildren to see some of the "Lights" some of the people decorate their houses, with quite elaborate arrangements of LIGHTS. Some have been doing so for many years,and try to outdo themselves and their neighbours.

I will try and publish a few more photos of the "lights" later on(the ones that I did not move the camera so much) This afternoon my wife and I took 3 of the grandchildren to a park for a "Picnic" and they had a very nice time,running around and feeding the Ducks and other water birds,and I had the oppurtunity to take few more photos,that I can use in the future.

Wishing everyone a HAPPY 2007

The Gardener

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Fishing Today

At long last I'm attempting to publish a new post. Today members of the Dooleys Fishing Club went out to our usual fishing grounds,some miles off the coast/off Wollongong. As we went out from the sheltered waters of the harbour, we all thought that it wasn't going to be a pleasant day out, because of the heavy swell, but it moderated as we distanced ourselves from the coast.
The first spot we tried,we had to soon move, as the The "tide" was too strong.and it was difficult to keep track as to where the individual lines were, but in the end, conditions changed and just about everyone was quite happy with the results.
I also have a couple of photos that I took of things in the garden some time back, I was asked to include a shot or two, as to show the distance we go out, to catch some fish!
Today I had a very successful day out, even if I did not win any prizes.
I ended up with 34 fish, and lost 3 after landing them in the boat, but one of the other fisherman caught 35, and also caught the largest fish, a 3kg snapper, so he received the prizes for the most fish caught and the largest fish caught, but I'm not complaining.

I took this photo, as we were returning to land, but we went much further out than what this photo shows.

And here are some tomato that I picked last week



Friday, December 08, 2006

Christmas is getting closer

Yes it is getting closer,Christmas is just around the corner,we have just about finished buying the presents for the children, and grownups as well,it is nice to see the children opening all their presents,and to see their faces lighting up at the sight of the new presents, " especially if they are toys"
it seems that the Dooleys club is in the mood to give away presents also,
tonight I won a tray of Pork Cutlets, that means that in the last 3 or 4 weeks,I have won something,and,I'm not unhappy about it.
In the garden front,I have been picking a few things,like zucchini,some Tomatoes,and beans,everything seems to taste better when very fresh!
I like to wish Benjamin a very Happy Birthday for tomorrow,December the 9th.15 years old, I remember when I was 15
years old! It all seems a very long time ago.
We also should get another fishing trip in,we due to go out on the 23rd.
of December,weather permitting.
Until next week,take care
The Gardener

Saturday, December 02, 2006

More Meat for Christmas

Friday night at DOOLEYS,and this time I was lucky enough
to win 2 prizes,one leg of LAMB,and a tray of T-Bone Steaks.
Two of the grandchildren,Benjamin and Claudia were there with
us,and were very happy to see me winning.
As far as the new computer goes, well it had a problem, so
the computer technician,asked me to take it back,and he would
replace the power supply,no problems there,but he also decided
to re-install "Windows" and I ended up with a very "EMPTY""C" Drive.
I have re-installed most of the programs,but still have a long way
to go,to get everything back.
A prayer or two, would not go astray!
The tomatoes are getting ripe,but they are nowhere as large as
last years crop,the largest so far weighed 400 grams,but it
tasted great.

Have a nice weekend