Berala Patch The time in Berala now is

Saturday, January 29, 2011

2011 -Dooley's Fishing Club

First Fishing Trip-2011

Last Sunday, January 23, we went out for the first of the 2011 fishing trips, but as it has become only too regular, the fish were hard to find, not only for our boat, but for most of the other charter
boats also, but having said that, I was lucky enough to catch 2 good size morwong , one weighed 1.35 Kg. the other, was 1.27 Kg., and they were the best catch, so I received the $20 voucher, and another member received the $10 voucher, rather than both prizes going to the same member.
That is me with the catch...after I got home

Our total catch, was 32 fish, for 12 members, I caught 5, so I was somewhat lucky, but if we will have to find another fishing area to go to, as Wollongong has just about been fished out !

The Gardener
As the gardener, I have been busy trying to keep the birds away from the FIGS.

As I usually do,I again this year, covered the tree complitely with a net, and that kept most,if not all birds out.

This year, I also had some green zucchini, and some white zucchini,did quite well with my tomatoes,especially the "ox heart"variety, and the :grape" tomatoes, lots of cucumbers and I also grew some "baby" water melons, they really tasted nice !

The Gardener

Thursday, January 13, 2011



Today, our much loved SOPHIRA- the Homeless Cat that first arrived at our place, about 4 or 5 years back, today went to the cats Heaven, she had been rather sick for the last week, and was having difficulty in walking, and only having an occasional drink of water, so after speaking with the veterinary doctor, it was decided to have her put down, a very hard and sad decision to make; but
in the end it was the right decision. She is now at rest next to Shana, our German Shepard dog, another of our pets, she also was a stray, and was with us for 10 years.
Watch "Sophira the Homeless Cat" on

Sophira rest in peace

The Gardener
