Berala Patch The time in Berala now is

Friday, August 17, 2007

Looking Forward to Fathers Day

Fathers Day is something to look forward to, after all it is the beginning of Spring! The day after, but thats closer enough , and the day after Fathers Day, it is "Queen Eileen's birthday,so we are going on an Holiday to Bali, what better excuse to get some photos for my "Blog".
Tonights raffle didn't bring any winners for me ...again, but there is next time as always, and also on Sunday the 22nd we are going on our monthly fishing day, and that could bring some joy, or as it is more likely another lean catch, we'll just have to wait and see.
If I can catch at least one fish, I won't be too disappointed.
Besides our Siamese Cat"Sophira", we now also have 2 canaries, "Benjamin & Justin" they are both male, as you can tell by their names, next week I'll try and have a short movie of them, or may be a couple of pictures to put up on the Blog. I must not forget the gold fish and their little friends.
I have put in some seeds in trays,away from the cooler temperatures that have returned during the last week, they should all be up during the next week or so, and should be ready to be planted out by the time the weather warms up again.
See you all again next week
The Gardener


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