Berala Patch The time in Berala now is

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Back in the Garden

Zucchini from our garden
One of the"Tree"tomato plant, this one is up to nine feet tall and still growing, in the original seed packed, they said that some can grow up to 15 feet!

Back in the Garden after the holidays. Things are just about back to normal, we had the grandchildren here with us for a few days, (they took it in turns) but now they are all back home. The Christmas decorations have been taken down,and put away until next year.
Last week we bought a small tent,so that the children could sit in it and play some games, but unfortunately it rained, so we could not used it until yesterday, when we were able to have our lunch in it, with 3 of the grandchildren,the tent is only partially covered, and is really designed to sit in it and be able to relax,without being annoyed by the ever present flys. In the past few days, I have picked some nice Beans, Tomatoes,a basked of Figs, and about a dozen Zucchini, both the dark green ones and "Lebanese" Zucchini, as we had plenty of other food, I sliced the Beans and placed them in the freezer, to be used at some later date.
The Gardener


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